Friday 24 May 2013

Reflecting on London

I have enjoyed my time here in London so much! There have been so many amazing learning  experiences and times of encouragement. I think the times I have enjoyed the most have been the one-to-one conversations and discussions. In these times I have learnt so much about who God is and what he is doing in each of these individuals' lives. I was able to discover more about myself and what God is doing in me by the sharing I did with those around me. 
One highlight of my time here was having the opportunity to go to the HTB (Holy Trinity Brompton) Leadership Conference in the Royal Albert Hall for a day. It was overwhelming worshiping with around 5,500 people from all over the world and of all different denominations. We had some great speakers who shared inspiring and  profound messages. One phrase that has really stuck with me is "If your vision isn't intimidating to you, it may be insulting to God" (Steven Furtick) That idea that God wants us to dream big dreams, and not limit his power to the stretches of our imagination. I have also been really challenged to think that "big" for us isn't necessarily God's idea of "big". Sometimes the most significant thing we could ever do is have a loving conversation with a stranger. My own understanding of this has been warped, as I tend to think the people who lead churches of thousands, or become world renowned Christian preachers are the ones who are doing "big" things for God. It is really freeing to know that God doesn't see it that way; that he and his heavenly host erupt in praise as soon as one tiny life is transformed for the better. I love that God always finds ways of shattering the boxes I put him in. 
I also spent time at three different churches around London, which inspired me with ideas and dreams for my own church in Hoylake. I am excited to talk to my church family about what I have seen and discovered. 
I spent three mornings over the past two weeks in the local YMCA learning about what sports chaplains do and how they support the people who go in and out of the gym, cafe and residential housing. I was really blessed by learning of the conversations they have had that have lead to prayer, healing and Alpha courses. I loved my time chatting with Carolyn and Lucy( the chaplain and co-worker) about what  great experiences they have had. I was massively encouraged by their dedication and their relationships with God. 
There have been so many different things that I have done so I won't write everything down but overall the main things I have learned are:
1) That God really answers prayer supernaturally. My lack of expectation must be so insulting to him. I am learning to see the weight of my words, and that God always answers me. 
2) That God is pleased with me before I even start trying to do "stuff" for him. Nothing I ever do will add or take away from what he already feels for me. In that I find great comfort. 
3) That he wants me to be faithful to him in every little mundane thing, for it is in the small that he will teach me everything I need to know for the "big". 

What an amazing two weeks! 

Kirsty x

Monday 13 May 2013


Well I am on the fourth day of my time here in epic London! I am staying in Wimbledon, in flats with several other people who are doing internships with Share Jesus International(SJI). I got in contact with Cath Lyden (organizer of FRESH, see previous blog posts) several months ago to see if there was any chance of me coming down to London and seeing what SJI is doing here. She was really enthusiastic so we arranged the dates. I arrived on the 10th of May and will be leaving on the 25th of May. 

So much has happened already and I feel so welcomed here. The guys who work with SJI are amazing and really kind. Over the course of these two weeks I have been/will be doing activities with the Pentecost Festival and meeting loads of people in different areas of ministry and in different church settings to learn, be encouraged and inspired by their stories. I'm having a great time so far and will post some detailed blogs when the two weeks are finished. I have never been to London before so everything is very new and exciting. Please pray for me and for the things I will be getting involved in. I always miss my family and friends when I am away so prayers for that would be great. 

 Also, prayers for development with my trip to Honduras. There have been some issues with me being under 18 and I'm feeling quite discouraged at the moment about that. They still want me to go and I still feel it is the right thing, but at this stage, I can't see the way ahead very clearly. If anyone has advice or experience in mission for minors and liability for the charities then I would really appreciate it. Thanks prayer warriors! 

Kirsty x


Very sorry, this update is rather overdue! 
I went to Edinburgh on the 15th-21st of April to shadow Lou Davis who is a Venture FX Pioneer for the week.  

Venture FX (VFX) is a scheme set up by the Methodist conference in 2008 to reach younger people with no Christian heritage. The original proposal envisaged an investment of some £7 million over 10 years to establish 20 pioneers and 20 projects to encourage new forms of church to emerge among young adults. It intended to build on the recent experience in both the Anglican and Methodist churches of establishing “fresh expressions” – new and more relevant ways of being church in our time.

It was really challenging and inspiring learning about the successes and disappointments in the VFX project in Edinburgh. Lou uses her creative nature in a lot of the work there to inspire people to think about the deeper questions of life.  I met a lot of people who inspired me to think outside of the normal constrains of church. I thought a lot about what church really is and  how much of our own churches are filled with ritual and tradition. Even if you are in the most contemporary up and coming church, there are still traditions and unvoiced expectations. For someone who has never been a part of church life, it must be so difficult to find anything in common with a 10.30am service on a Sunday morning. 

There were two couples from America living near who Lou and her husband Tim introduced me to. They had come to Scotland as missionaries which I found interesting as we generally expect missionaries to be people who go to the 3rd world countries. I think the point is more about where the spiritual need is greatest and there we are commissioned to go. The fact these Americans had left everything to help Edinburgh come in contact with our loving God was really encouraging. They inspired me to think big and consider what the church is like around the world. God is so busy in every country, village, and home. We just have the privilege to work with Him in these places. 

My week in Edinburgh was a fantastic experience, full of new lessons, inspiring conversations, and different perspectives. Looking forward to whenever I go back to that beautiful city!

Kirsty x